BOOK REVIEW: JANETTE OKE, A Heart for the Prairie

An Intimate journey into the life of a Canadian Christian fiction writer.

WRITER: Laurel Oke Logan

PUBLISHER: Bethany house Publishers.

REVIEWER: Gloria Mwaniga

If you have ever read any of Canadian Christian fiction author Janette Oke’s books, you may have noticed her warm, family and God centered unique writing style.
The themes she explores are well crafted, homely and easily identifiable. Her stories could have left you with a tear in your eyes and a craving for the simple, happy, loving days gone by when simplicity was the order of the day.
How can a writer successfully relay these emotions in a fiction story? You may wonder.
Well in Janette Oke’s case, at least we get these question answered. Thanks to her only daughter Laurel who after intense research on family background, wrote this book.
Janettes’ life story is masterfully told in this 270 paged, incredibly engaging and well-written autobiography.
Born a sickly middle child to Fred and Amy Steeves, Janette grew up a normal child. The family didn’t have much but there was enough love to take them through the tough times and enough laughter to see them through the dull snowy days.
Growing up, Janette didn’t really share her dream of becoming a writer. If anything, there was little evidence that she would one day forge into that field as she wrote just a few poems in her early days.
Janettes’ journey wasn’t without its fair share of tragedies, difficulties, lack and loss. But that she held onto her faith in God throughout is a reality all her readers have to appreciate.
Interestingly, Janette began writing after all her children were grown up and well into their teenage hood.
Like Laurel puts it, talent does not make a person great. It is a duty, a responsibility and the only way to maximize it is to give it back to God or in other words, the first step to God’s success is to give up.this phrase is well lived out by Jannette who gave up her writing to God even before her first book was out.

Janette has written many books amongst them Love Comes Softly, Love’s Long Journey, The Tender Years, Loves Enduring Promise and Return to Harmony.

She has also received many Awards including the 15th Annual Gold Medallion Book Award, The Gold Book Award and a platinum award when her book Love Comes Softly passed one Million sales.

She can only be mentioned in o ne breath with writers of her league like Karen Kingsbury, David T. Bunn, June Masters Becher and Marjorie Holmes.